Both the Rolleicord and the Rolleiflex cameras are fun to use. It takes a little bit of learning, but once you get the hang of it, it is absolutely inspiring and delightful to take a photograph. The Rolleicord and the Rolleiflex are twin lens reflex cameras. “Twin” because there are two lenses - the viewing lens and the take up lens. Reflex means that one looks through the lens to view the reflected image of a scene on the focusing screen to compose the shot. Both also are held at chest level and photos are usually taken from the hip level, which gives the shot a different perspective. For a shy person like myself, the Rolleicord and the Rolleiflex are very good cameras to use for street photography. It often elicit awe and amazement from people. Since one is often looking down on the “waist-level” finder to compose the shot and the shutter release is also very quiet, people are often unaware that their photos are being taken - excellent for those decisive moments and candid shots.